Monday, July 2, 2007

It's 3:45 am, I'm unemployed so here's another Shervay!

Unemployment's a bitch... it makes me do these whacky surveys.

1] What was the highlight of your week?
Chucky being kicked out! mmmmmwahahahahahhahahaahhaa!

2] Whose car were you in last?
Sana's (upar kya hai ladki dost? translation: what's up gurlfriend?)

3] When is the next time you will kiss someone?
I don't know... any takers? Guys? Helloooo?? *crickets chripping*

4] What color shirt are you wearing?

5] How long is your hair?
Quite long... used to touch my butt in December... now it's mid back.

6] How long has it been since you've been on a date?
Ummmm 6 months... but I don't consider traffic jam a date... besides the guy was creeeeeeeepy!

7] What makes you blush?
Ooooo when a guy I like tells me that he likes my honesty and my sense of humor. Hey that's what I have... I ain't no beauty to most male population y'know.

8] Last movie you watched?
Phir Hera Pheri... Babu Rao ROCKS!

9] Last thing you ate?
Turkey sandwhich with mustard and hot sauce. Regreting the hot sauce tho.

10] Lat thing you drank?

11] Where did you sleep last night?
Well I started sleeping on my bed but when I woke up I was underneath it. Must be those damn gremlins again!

12] Were you alone?
Well the gremlins were there... and so were the underpants gnomes.

13] Are you happy right now?
It's 4 am, I'm unemployed and I'm blogging a survey... what do you think?

14] What did you say last?
I actually belted out a song... "Oh meri... meri zohrazabeen!"

15] Where is your phone?
Yeah where is it? Damn those gremlins.

16] Least favorite chore?
Hanging out the laundry to dry! Ugggh! hate that!

17] What color are your eyes?
Dark Brown

18] O.C.D .MUCH?

19] Who came over last?
HAH! It's been ages since those people I call friends have come over! BLOODY INGRATES!

20] When was the last time you had your heart broken?
Last year... it's a long story... fursat mein bataoongi... (Trans: Will tell when I have time... oh and Peaches you already know)

21] Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
Being unemployed!!!! It's so frustrating and I have no outlet for my anger!

22] What are you listening to?
My dad flushing the toilet!

23] If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
A JOB! Some money would be nice too! :)

24] What is your favorite scent?
Citrus, vanilla

25] Are you in a good mood?
No not so much...

27] Does anyone ever read your responses to these?
I think so...

28] Ever own any fish?
Yeah I once owned 2 goldfishes named Farah Jr. and RK Jr. Farah Jr. froze to death and RK Jr. was boiled alive.

29] What's your favorite meal to splurge on?
TGI Fridays... actually I don't splurge too much there... it's frickin' expensive!

30] Are you left-handed?

31] Spell your name without vowels:
Frh Sm Mstry

32] Dogs or cats?
Both but sometimes cats freak me out when they fight.

33] Favorite sitcom?

34] What's for dinner tonight?
It was the turkey sammich I had earlier... my tummy goes drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... (to the tune of my dil goes hmmmmmmmmmm from salam namaste)

35] When Is Your Birthday?
12th January... and if anyone ditches me on that day AGAIN... I WILL THROW A HISSY FIT!

36] Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Sanaaaaaaaa :) Kya kar raheli hai?

37] What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Jack n' Coke

38] Last time you went swimming in a pool?
April I think... or was it March?? When was the Sri Lankan New Year??

39] Where was the last place you went shopping?
Supermarket for groceries.

40] How do you feel about your hair right now?
Nourished, soft, well conditioned. :)

41] Do you have any expensive jewelry?
I have a few bits and bobs my mom buys for me.

42] AIM or MSN?
Yahoo! And MSN

43] Favorite card game?
Rummy and Mendicoat! I AM THE NEW MENDICOAT CHAMP!

44] Can you play chess?
Sure... will there be a shisha involved?

45] What brand of printer do you own?
HP... but it's not plugged in.

46] Where does most of your family live?

47] Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Only child... but yet I am not a spoilt brat!

48] Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Nope... ok maybe just a little bit because from the all the immediate cousins I'm the only girl so I am a Princess sometimes. :)

49] What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
My dream... I was in a compromising position on a dentist chair.

50] If a friend walks out on you, do you go after them or leave them alone?
I would've gone after them before... now I just leave them alone.

51] How much water do you drink every day?
I'd say quite a bit... it's bloody hot here... I get thirsty alot!

52] Myspace or Facebook?
Facebook at the moment because myspace is PMSing

53] What is the website that you use the most?

54] What was your favorite subject in school?

55] What type of boy/girl do you usually fall for?
Well I'm attracted to the tough biker boys with that rocker image but I really like dorks, nerds and geeks... glasses and all. They are sooo cute and they always have something interesting to say.

56] Do you have any plants?
Artificial ones... (I can here Nate scream at me for having those... honest dude they're my dad's idea)

57] Do you have any talents?
Sure... I can be a professional chef! :) But I wouldn't survive Hell's Kitchen... that man would turn me into a blubbering babbling crybaby!

58] Have you ever been in a wedding?
Nope... now I don't want to either. (I will be in yours Peaches if you ask me :D)

59] Do you have any children?
Not yet... I'd love to produce some smart, chubby babies.

60] Did you take a nap today?
I dozed off reading.

61] Do you have any premium channels right now?
If Pehla's premium then sure.

62] Ever met anyone famous before?
UB40, Cyrus Brocha (the guy has HUGE HANDS... his fingers are like bananas), Chunky Pandey (he is such a sweetheart)

63] Do you want to be famous one day?
Sure I do... :)

64] Favorite actress?
At the moment Scarlett Johanson...

65] Are you multitasking right now?
Doing this, listening to music and talking to a few friends.

66] Could you handle being in the military right now?
Nope... I wouldn't even survive boot camp!

67] What is your average cell phone bill?
I have pre-paid so 45-50

68] Do you believe in Karma?
Oh absolutely... it's been proven too... in my favor. Someone screwed me over and then someone else screwed them over!

69] Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
Gym? What's that?

70] How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Around 15

71] Last place you drove your car to?
I don't have a car.

72] Ever been to Las Vegas?
No but I wanna! :)

73] what are you doing today?
I dunno...

74] Have you ever been gambling?

75] When is the last time you updated your blog?
I'm doing it right now...

76] Have you been to New York City?
No but I wanna!!! :(

77] Ever been to Disneyland/world?
No but I wanna!!! :(

78] Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
I love Buggs Bunny and Cartman! :)

79] Last thing you cooked?

80] How’s the weather?

81] Do you e-mail?

82] Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
Used it to scratch my back.

83] Last time you were sick?
A couple of months back.

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