Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The title of this post is 'Wah Taj' but for some reason it's not letting me add a title so here it is.

Wah Taj

I am so glad the Taj Mahal is still one of the 7 Wonders of the World. It is the only monument dedicated to love and passion from all the wonders that were nominated. This beautiful monument of the 17th century was the vision of the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, dedicated to his wife Mumtaz after her death to show his everlasting love for her. Of course the biggest tragedy was that he had the hands of the workers who built it cut off so they could never build anything as beautiful as the Taj Mahal. That I would say was a bit selfish not to mention inhuman.

Ok back to the good things about the Taj. I can't imagine how they must have made it so perfect encrusting it with jewels (thanks to some dumbass looters and pillagers (sp?) they're not there anymore), intricate designs, perfect pillars when the resources back then were so little. It's said that when Shahjahan's asshole son Aurangzeb imprisoned him he would look at the Taj from a small window in his cell to give him comfort and hope that one day he would be seeing the love of his life again. Ahhhh love and the romantics of those days. Why can't men be like that these days? Seriously the only kind of errection they show us is the one in their pants! Sheesh!

I hope one day I get to see the Taj Mahal and when I do I know tears will well up in my eyes because I'll be happy and sad at the same time.

Some references to the Taj Mahal

"There are two kinds of people in this world 50% who have seen the Taj Mahal and the other 50% who haven't." - Former US President Bill Clinton

"The Taj, wouldn't be the Taj without the Mahal." - Buddy, Charles in Charge

"Jo waada kiya woh nibhana padega." from the movie Taj Mahal (you know the one with Pradeep Kumar... that song she sings as a spirit)

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