Thursday, July 5, 2007

Botox botox botox...

What is this phenomenon called Botox? Why has it become a part of pop culture these days? Women as young as 29 are getting it done. It's a procedure which can be done in your lunch hour (I'd say what a waste of your lunch hour)... the good doctor (who is probably old and has done this treatment on him/herself) takes a huge ass syringe, pokes your forehead and then injects "Botulinum toxin" (yes children that's the real name... google it if u want) into your muscles to relax them and get rid of the lines that were caused by oh aging.
There are women in their 20's who are getting them done even though they don't have those lines. I'll make my peace with breast implants (hey makes the men happy), nose jobs and liposuction (won't ever EVER have any of them done though) but what is wrong with aging gracefully? Imagine if the prodecure gets botched? Or when you are pissed off and you can't frown because of the Botox in your forehead. Imagine scolding your kids, "CHILDREN I AM VERY ANGRY! I AM FROWING! YOU CAN'T SEE IT BUT I AM!"
Ok so there are times when you need a few procedures for your face like when you get into an accident or if you are born with a birth defect but why poke and prod your face when there's nothing wrong with it??
So my message to the world is... be yourself... don't f**k up your face by going under the knife and getting things you don't need.
Until then my darlings... mmmmmwah!

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